+91 73975 51100



Our palliative care services enable patients and their families to have an extra level of encouragement and support to relieve their suffering.

Palliative Care Services

Our palliative care offers patients and their families an extra level of encouragement and support. It’s not just a job for us; it’s our mission to serve others and make a real difference in their lives. We manage all their day-to-day responsibilities so that our clients may focus on making the most of the time they have with their friends and family.

We have a highly qualified team of doctors, palliative care nurses, and other specialists who work together to offer care that is tailored to the patient’s specific requirements. Our palliative care services are best suited for people of all ages and can be provided at any stage of a serious medical condition, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, pulmonary, and heart disorders.

Palliative care at home allows the patient to remain in the environment in which they feel most comfortable, surrounded by memories and the people they care about. Our specialists provide personal assistance, pain treatment for all medical ailments, medication administration, meal preparation, and companionship care.

Palliative treatments like medications, dietary changes, breathing techniques, meditation, or acupuncture can alleviate physical symptoms like pain, anxiety, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, and sleep disruption.

Palliative care is to mitigate the suffering of the patient, not to effect a cure.

Advantages of our palliative care services include

  • Ability to live as actively and comfortably as possible.
  • Ability to cope with feelings and changes related to illness.
  • Being able to understand treatment options, making treatment decisions, and coordinating care.
  • Lower risk of depression in people newly diagnosed with a serious disease 
  • Consistent improvement in both patient and carers satisfaction.
  • Alleviation of emotional distress, anxiety, or depression.